Constant Flow Productions an independent production company based in Cologne, Germany is proud to present a comedic snapshot of the ultimate reality experience “Neander Jin – The Return of the Neanderthal Man“. The German-American Coproduction is a screwball comedy with a Freudian twist or like Martin Jarvis put it “A highly original movie”. The film plays with different genres and styles, parodying a wide range of movies and TV-formats. It presents constantly joyful and sometimes absurd surprises; creating one entertaining movie made out of very different film puzzle pieces. Postproduction of the 80 minute long movie has just been finished in Los Angeles. The film will première on International Film Festivals the beginning of 2011.

When a Neanderthal Man mysteriously rematerializes in modern day Germany he seeks sanctuary and a safe harbour in the garden shed of Barbara van Schmerling, a 23-year-old student of environmental planning. She takes him under her wing in order to save ´the last living testimony of former humanity and naturalness´ from the corrupting influences of western civilization. But when her altruistic feelings turn to romantic ones, she is faced with compromising her ethics, or losing the only person – or primitive - she has ever truly loved.

A power crazed media mogul and a P.T. Barnum wannabe threaten to corrupt the guileless caveman´s soul by entering him in a worldwide TV talent show called “The Ultimate World Star”. Now the Neanderthal must choose between Barbara, the only person that loves him for who he really is, or the siren call of fame and fortune.

The Neanderthal Man is played by the American actor Jon Chardiet (“Beatstreet”, “Money Talk”). Barbara van Schmerling is portrayed by the German rising star Sarah Muehlhause (Anna und die Liebe”), who received international acclaim in the Spanish box office hit “Fuga de cerebros”.

The up and coming German TV-presenter Nela Panghy-Lee (“Taff” ProSieben, “Wetten dass…” Celebrity Party, ZDF) appears in a cameo role and the versatile German comedian Milton Welsh “Caveman”, “Conan” (Markus Nispel) and “Ghostwriter” (Roman Polanski) embodies a con-man. It also features the American actor Rick Zieff (“Mississippi Burning”, Terminator3”, and recently “Law and Order: Los Angeles”) and the British actors Martin Jarvis (“Titanic”, guest appearances in every British television show and “Funny Or Die” with Danny de Vito) and Rosalind Ayres (Oscar-winning “Gods and Monsters”, Cannes-winning “Beautiful People” and multi-Oscar-winning “Titanic”).